7 Top Notch Topics for MBA Assignments


Importance of MBA Assignments

Students enroll in this course to secure a transformative career in companies that play a crucial role in driving the country’s economy, and to join the upper echelons of the economic hierarchy. However, you must demonstrate your value to the influential figures in the emerging society. Professors assign a variety of tasks to students to assess their preparedness for real-world challenges. Businesses mostly rely on the recruitment of the most recent pool of talent.
These assignments facilitate the utilization of critical thinking skills by students to effectively address the potential obstacles encountered in professional settings. They must identify a resolution for any issues their organization may encounter or devise a new approach to adapt to potential shifts in consumer behavior.

Top 7 MBA Assignment Topics

Following are the few MBA assignment topics suggested by MBA Assignment Help UAE:

1. Business and Ethics

  • Ethics for an economic actor
  • What are the moral limitations that a CEO of a firm must adhere to?
  • Do firms have a responsibility to their clients that goes beyond the boundaries set by their policies?
  • What impact may a corporate strategy have on stakeholders’ perceptions?
  • Ethical ideals in contemporary multinational corporations
  • Corporate Social Responsibility – Is there a genuine obligation towards society?
  • Have firms completely disregarded the environment?
  • The ethical work culture is deteriorating due to internal political dynamics.
  • The disciplines of philosophy, psychology, and religion shape business ethics.
  • Does the effectiveness of technology systems influence the ethical practices of businesses?
  • The quandary faced by an organization while deciding whether to adhere to society’s ethical standards.

2. Business and Monopoly

  • What is the impact of monopolistic competition on growth prospects?
  • The potential for a monopolistic organization in both the short and long term.
  • You are comparing oligopoly and monopoly with capitalism and communism.
  • Are consumers’ options being restricted by a monopoly?
  • A monopoly can enhance a firm’s efficiency, success, and innovation.
  • Is it possible for a company monopoly to dominate and control service areas that are experiencing financial losses?
  • Economies of scale and monopoly – Does the expansion of production result in a decrease in average costs?
  • Does a substantial profit resulting from a monopoly incentivize research and development?
  • Horizontal and vertical acquisitions are leading to the formation of monopolies.
  • Monopolies are diminishing competition in the contemporary market.
  • Measures needed to curb the growth of contemporary monopolies
  • How is contemporary economics being shaped by the influence of a dominant culture?

3. Business and Nationalism

  • The vulnerability of corporations during periods of intense nationalism.
  • Are consumers exhibiting nationalism through their selection of products?
  • How can international client connections align with a nationalistic perspective?
  • How can a corporation maintain a sense of national identity when it outsources its customer service?
  • How does corporate diplomacy influence the development of nationalism in the public sphere?
  • How can consumer ethnocentrism mock globalization?
  • Corporate nationalism can maintain unity, autonomy, and identity.
  • Drawing lessons on globalization from the concept of corporate nationalism
  • Nationalism is causing a contraction in economics and resources.

4. Business and Racism

  • Contemporary instances of racial prejudice in company operations.
  • What are the similarities between racial hierarchy and caste discrimination in the commercial sector?
  • Why is critical racial literacy absent from the corporate model?
  • Have corporations made progress in combating racism?
  • How does implicit attitude contribute to racial unemployment?
  • The proliferation of racism and the pervasiveness of racial injustice inside organizations
  • How does a modern capitalist society exploit racism and exert control?
  • How can one discern patterns of racism within any institution?
  • Examining racism in the corporate sector through the use of quantitative data
  • Exploring the reasons why consumers should not experience the impact of racism in business

5. Business and Pandemic

  • A research based on observation and experience that examines the effects of COVID-19 on enterprises operating within a certain area.
  • The influence of Covid-19 on the tourism sector of the United Kingdom.
  • What is the current performance of small firms in the UK during the Covid-19 era?
  • What role may businesses play in enhancing the healthcare situation?
  • The ongoing effects of COVID-19 on the economic forecast and business conditions are continuously changing.
  • Corporate mishaps during the global pandemic
  • Strategies to safeguard a firm against health and economic turmoil
  • Proactive resource management can significantly enhance a business’s chances of survival.
  • Examination of governmental financial assistance to struggling firms

6. Business and Majoritarianism

  • How does the majority attempt to monopolize every market?
  • Is it straightforward to establish a services start-up as a member of the majority community?
  • Are minority firms assessed primarily based on their services or their impact on the community?
  • A majority-owned firm often has larger operational margins.
  • Case Study: The Relationship Between Elitism and the Success of Apple
  • Case Study: What are the factors contributing to the UK’s continued retention of its colonial business enterprises?
  • What is the level of accessibility for a minority-owned company to penetrate the UK market?
  • How can the government reconcile the division between divergent community enterprises?
  • Do advertising campaigns exclusively target the majority community?
  • Fairness products are perpetuating discrimination by exploiting the skin tone of minority individuals.

7. Business and Affirmative Action

  • Has affirmative action effectively improved the conditions of the socially disadvantaged segments of society?
  • Does societal underdevelopment affect commercial opportunities?
  • Can the socially marginalized class make a good contribution to the economic situation?
  • What strategies may be implemented to enhance the social environment and foster inclusivity within the business culture?
  • The economic crisis has a disproportionately negative impact on marginalized social groups.
  • Do we prioritize the economic well-being of the less privileged?
  • Business Model – Should a corporation prioritize profit or social responsibility?
  • The distinction in consumers’ purchasing power is influencing product placements and advertising.
  • How can cosmetic goods contribute to the reinforcement of the negative perception associated with poverty?


These diverse MBA assignment topics delve into crucial issues shaping contemporary business landscapes. By exploring ethics, monopoly, nationalism, racism, pandemic effects, majoritarianism, and affirmative action, students gain insights vital for navigating complex business environments.

MBA Assignment Help UAE offers professional support to MBA students, providing high-quality assignment solutions that are cost-effective, original, and tailored to enhance academic success in the UAE.

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